Commonly-Taken Core and Elective Courses in the Chemical Engineering MS Program
Course Syllabi for Required (Core) Courses and Commonly-Taken Courses in the Chemical Engineering MS Program
•The syllabi found below are representative of the general content taught in these courses in recent years. However, specific sub-topics often change from year to year as we continually modernize and improve the curriculum.
MS Program core courses*
CHEN E4001 & E4002 | Essential of Chem. Eng.^ |
CHEN E4112 | Transport in Fluids & Mixtures |
CHEN E4110 | Fluid Transport Mechanisms |
CHEN E4235 | Surface Reactions & Kinetics |
CHEN E4330 | Advanced Kinetics |
CHAP 4120 | Statistical Mechanics |
CHEN E4130 | Advanced Chem. Eng. Thermo. |
CHEN E4010 | Math Methods in Chem. Eng. |
*Graduate core classes will almost always be offered every year so as to maximize flexibility and ensure that all students can meet graduation requirements.
*As described in the MS program requirements, 4 core courses are required for the MS degree, including one of CHEN E4112 or E4110, one of CHEN E4235 or E4330, one of CHEN E4130 or CHAP 4120, and CHEN 4010.
^Only students enrolled in the Scientist to Engineer (S2E) Program are required to take CHEN E4001 & CHEN E4002).
Graduate-level elective classes counting towards MS degrees
The elective courses listed below are organized according three areas that roughly map onto different concentrations offered within our program; only syllabi for courses registered with CHEN designators or cross-listed with Chemical Engineering are provided here. A complete list of courses for each concentration can be found here. There is no guarantee that these courses will be taught every year, although most of them are taught on a yearly or biannual basis. Also note that there are many other graduate-level courses not shown here, including many in other departments, that can fulfill elective requirements. See the Columbia Directory of Classes for the most up-to-date listings of courses offered through Chemical Engineering and other departments throughout SEAS and Columbia University.
Climate Solutions & Electrochemical Energy
Engineering Applications in Electrochemistry |
Solar Fuels |
EAEE E4180 |
Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems |
EAEE E4305 |
Carbon Utilization and Conversion |
Atmospheric Aerosols |
NMR in Bio, Soft, and Energy materials |
Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals
CHEN E4325 | Bioseparations |
CHEN E4660 | Biochemical Engineering |
Principles of Genomic Technologies | |
Protein Engineering | |
CHEN E4890 | Biopharmaceuticals, entrepreneurship, and chemical engineering |
CHEN E4900 |
Topics in ChemE: Computer Simulation in Biology |
CHEN E4910 | Solid State Chemistry in Pharmaceutical Development |
CHEN E4920 | Pharmaceutical Industry for Engineers |
CHEN E4930 | Biopharmaceutical Process Laboratory |
CHEN E4860 | NMR in Bio, Soft, and Energy materials |
CHEN E8100 | Topics in Biology |
CHEN E4870 | Synthetic Organogenesis |
Data and Computational Science
CHEN 4011 |
Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering |
CHEN E4900 |
Topics in ChemE: Computer Simulation in Biology |
Chemical Engineering Data Analysis |
Artificial Intelligence in Chemical Engineering |
Statistical Mechanics |
Computational Fluid Dynamics in Chemical Engineering |
Atomistic Simulations for Science and Engineering |