Professor Boyce Selected to Write a Paper for the Inaugural AIChE Journal "Futures"

Aug 02 2018

Professor Chris Boyce was selected to write a paper for the inaugural AIChE Journal "Futures" issue aimed at young faculty with the potential to shape the future of Chemical Engineering. This month’s volume of AIChE Journal is the inaugural “Futures” issue. In the keen interest of keeping the Journal aligned with the latest developments in chemical engineering research, we have invited a group of early career researchers to contribute their pioneering works. The only criterion is that the prospective author be seven or less years removed from her or his initial appointment as an academic, industrial, or national lab researcher. 

The “Futures” issue parallels the annual “Founders” issue that honors an eminent chemical engineering scholar with a group of contributions from colleagues, former students, and collaborators. While the “Founders” issue celebrates the scholarly legacies of the greats from our profession, the “Futures” issue recognizes the scholarly potential of new researchers from our profession.

Read the AIChE Journal "Futures" issue

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