PhD CPT Process
ENGI E8000 Doctoral Field Work
This course is 0.00 billable points and can count towards the degree program. The course description and registration process are outlined below.
Course Description:
Field work is integral to the academic preparation and professional development of doctoral students. This course provides the academic framework for field work experience required for the student’s program of study. Field work documentation and faculty advisor approval is required prior to registration. A final written report must be submitted. This course will count towards the degree program and cannot be taken for pass/fail credit or audited. With approval from the department chair or the doctoral program director, doctoral students can register for this course at most twice. In rare situations, exceptions may be granted by the Dean’s Office to register for the course more than twice (e.g. doctoral students funded by industrial grants who wish to perform doctoral field work for their corporate sponsor). The doctoral student must be registered for this course during the same term as the field work experience.
Application Process:
1. The student must fill out the CPT Request Form.
2. The student must provide an internship employment letter to the faculty member responsible for supervising the student’s internship. The letter must include the following:
- beginning and ending dates of employment
- how many hours the student will work weekly
- a description of duties in sufficient detail to clearly show them as appropriate to meeting the requirements for the student’s degree
- location of the company or organization where employment will take place
3. The faculty member responsible for supervising the student’s internship must prepare a letter and give it to the student affairs department administrator with the internship employment letter. The letter from the supervising faculty member must include the following:
- the specific internship opportunity
- the specific degree requirement or elective course (e.g. E8000y) that it satisfies
- the minimum requirements to complete the internship
- a reasonable period of time needed to complete the internship (e.g., satisfying the requirements of a 1 semester, 3 credit course would normally be done in 1 semester or less )
- if CPT is for dissertation research, the student’s adviser should provide a detailed letter stating the dissertation topic, what research will be carried out, and why it is necessary for the dissertation
4. The student must submit the CPT request form, employment letter, faculty letter and i-94 to Student Services. Student Services will submit to Grad Student Affairs. GSA will register the student for ENGI E8000 and send a GSA approval email to the student.
5. The student must then upload all documents (i-94, department letter of support, employment letter, CPT form, GSA approval email) to ISSO.
6. ISSO will send an approval e-mail once the CPT request has been fully approved.
Updated: 8/26/19