Professor Michael I Hill wins the Kim Award
The 2014 Kim Award for Faculty Involvement was awarded to Professor Michael Hill at this year's SEAS Class Day. The Kim Award, established in 2000 by Edward and Carole Kim, was created to honor a faculty member who is not only an excellent teacher, but who also shows a special, personal commitment to students.
Professor Michael I. Hill
In presenting the award, Dean Mary Boyce spoke of the role Professor Hill played in creating and guiding Columbia’s Scientist to Engineer Program, a special curriculum designed to help students with a first degree in science or mathematics transition into engineering. Dean Boyce also commented on the stellar course evaluations Professor Hill regularly receives from students.
Professor Hill brings a unique perspective to SEAS, having spent nearly 25 years leading industrial research at Unilever before joining Columbia’s Department of Chemical Engineering, first as an Adjunct Associate Professor, and currently as Lecturer in Chemical Engineering Design. An alumnus of the Department and a Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Professor Hill has enjoyed sharing his real-world experience with both undergraduate and graduate students, and has provided career advice to many.
Nominations for the Kim Award are made by undergraduate and graduate students. Selection criteria include how the faculty member "goes the extra mile" for students, effectively guides students in professional development and/or research activity, demonstrates a caring attitude toward students, and engages with students in career advising and life planning.
The Kim Award includes an honorarium and a commemorative plaque.